Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013


      1. Why number nineteen? The number of letters in lafadz of the first ayat of Al-Quranul karim (In the name   of Allah , the beneficent and the merciful ) 

For those  who read basmallah much, Allah will  free him of  Jabbaniyyah
(one of the guard of hell-in islam)”

2.  Why number nineteen? “Basmallah” consists of group of word :  
Ismi – Allah – Arrahman    – Arrahim.
     Research showed that, the sum of each word in Al-Qur’an always be the multiple of 19 :
·         Word ‘Ismi’ in Quran found 19 times (19 X 1)
·         Word ‘Allah’ in Quran found 2.698 times (19 X 142)
·         Word ‘Arrahman’ in Quran found  57 times (19 X 3)
·         Word ‘Arrahim’ in Quran found 114 times (19 X 6)

             3.  Why number nineteen? Why number nineteen? Totally surah of Al-Qur’an consists of  114 (19 X 6), And many more miracle of 19 that had been found in Al-Qur’an. Check out for more.

            4.Why number nineteen?  Describing the attitude of an unbeliever, the Almighty says: Then said he, this (Qur’an) is nothing but magic derived from of old. This is nothing but the word of a mortal. Soon will I cast him into Hell-Fire. Would that you knew what Hell-Fire is like! Naught does it permit to endure and naught does it leave alone. Darkening and changing the colour of man! Over it are nineteen (keepers). We have appointed none but angels to guard the fire and fixed their number only as a trial for unbelievers so that those to whom the scriptures were given may be convinced and the true believers strengthened in their faith; that those to whom the scriptures were given and the true believers, may have no doubts; and that those in whose hearts there is disease, together with the disbelievers, may say; ‘What could Allah mean by this’? Thus Allah leaves in error whom He will and guides whom He pleases. (Qur'an 74:24-31)

       5.  Why number nineteen? It had to be a prime number (one that is not divisible by any number other than 1 and itself)

         6.   Why number nineteen?  08+11 =19 

7.    Why number nineteen?  01+18 = 19

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